Three different moods at Druidston - Workshop

On Saturday I went down to Druidston as the main venue for a one to one workshop with a client keen to improve his photography and increase his understanding of technique and composition. We spent a good few hours at the beach; arriving at high tide and shooting further areas as the tide receded and more beach became exposed. We shot a number of different angles and worked on understanding how placement of elements in a frame can make for stronger compositions and more pleasing results. Looking through the few frames that I shot during the afternoon it’s easy to see how different light, technique, composition and processing can lead to a set of images that offers varying mood despite them all being created at the same place within a short space of time. Below are three images, the first is a fairly classic view taking advantage of the low winter sun and dramatic clouds, the second; a longer exposure looking out to sea with a simple composition and the third, a somewhat more extremely processed image in black and white, giving another interpretation of the scene. Which do you prefer?

If you’d like to join me for a workshop either for a small group or on a one to one basis, please get in touch via my contact form for more info.